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Are you spending most of your time handling prior auth and eligibility denials instead of providing necessary care to your patients?

See how you can increase your revenue by up to 20% with our RPA-enabled authorization workflows within a span of 2 months.

We can also work on the old denials to gain retro-authorizations to contain revenue leakages.


Healthcare companies trust us for prior auth and other RCM activities since 2003


Consistently maintaining AR days below 35 days for all our customers


Our average clean claim rate is greater than 99%


Revenue Recovered After Optimizing RCM Activities

Are You Ready To Minimize Denials and Maximize Your Revenue?
Book an Intro Call With Our Prior Auth Expert To Know How We Can Help
PPC - Prior Authorization Free Consultation Form

FREE BONUS: We will also send you our ebook titled "Streamlining Prior Authorization and Overcoming Challenges to Avoid Denials".

Our Fail-proof Authorization Services Can Help You Fix the Below

Lengthy Authorization Processing

Promantra reduces processing time, ensuring faster approvals, and minimizing delays.

Complex Authorization Workflows

Promantra simplifies workflows, making the process more efficient and user-friendly.

Inaccurate Documentation

Promantra's expertise ensures accurate and complete documentation, reducing the risk of denials.

High Authorization Denials

Promantra has built-in RPA-enabled workflows to identify and address common denial triggers, reducing denials and optimizing revenue.

Client Success Stories

Our Comprehensive Prior Authorization Services


We Handle All Aspects of Prior Authorization In-house

Our comprehensive services simplify the prior authorization process by handling all aspects of prior authorization in-house, including form completion, status tracking, and follow-up. We also provide customized workflows and automated approvals, minimizing manual intervention and streamlining the process.

We Have Strong Relationships with Insurance Providers

Our services are designed to save our clients’ time and money, as we are able to process large volumes of prior authorization requests efficiently and accurately. In addition, we have strong relationships with insurance providers and can negotiate rates and appeals on your behalf.

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We Thoroughly Review Every Prior Authorization Request

We adhere to strict quality control guidelines, ensuring that all prior authorization requests are thoroughly reviewed and accurate before being submitted to insurance providers. Our team of professionals has the expertise and experience to handle complex prior authorization requests, minimizing the risk of errors and rejections.

We Enable You to Improve Patient Care and Satisfaction

Our focus on improving the prior authorization process results in faster approvals and fewer denials, leading to improved patient care and satisfaction. With Promantra Insurance Prior-Authorization Services, healthcare providers can deliver timely and efficient care, resulting in positive patient outcomes.

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About Promantra

We are a leading revenue cycle management company with more than two decades of experience in providing RCM services to healthcare companies. We are an ISO 9001 & ISO 27001 certified and a HIPAA Compliant organization.

We have a team of 350+ experienced professionals who help our clients with medical transcription, prior authorization, medical coding, claims and denial management, and revenue recovery challenges every day.

We are a preferred revenue cycle management outsourcing partner for over 100+ RCM companies, hospitals, independent clinics, and LTC (long term care) companies.

Are You Ready to Minimize Denials and Maximize Revenue?

Book an Intro Call With Our Prior Auth Expert To Know How We Can Help.

Copyright © Promantra 2023 | E: info@promantra.us | P: 1-732-414-3678