Medical Billing

Medical Billing

Medical Billing services

Maximize your practice’s revenue and streamline operations with Promantra’s comprehensive, technology-driven solutions. Our advanced systems ensure accurate and timely insurance verifications, significantly reducing claim denials and capturing maximum revenue. By automating routine tasks and providing real-time updates, we free up your staff to focus more on patient care and less on administrative burdens.

Promantra’s automated data collection and sophisticated matching algorithms minimize human error, resulting in accurate and efficient billing processes. This efficiency translates into faster reimbursements, enhancing your practice’s cash flow and financial stability. Additionally, by optimizing workflows and reducing operational errors, Promantra helps you cut costs and run a more efficient practice.

Partner with Promantra and experience a transformative approach to revenue cycle management. Our suite of solutions is designed to improve your bottom line and allow you to dedicate more time to what matters most – delivering exceptional patient care. Let Promantra be your trusted ally in achieving financial health and operational excellence.

However, the benefits of partnering with ProMantra extend far beyond simply alleviating these pain points. By choosing our outsourcing medical billing services, you gain a secure financial future. Our services are designed to increase your revenue, reduce your administrative costs, and optimize your practice’s performance, ensuring a stable and prosperous financial outlook.

By choosing ProMantra’s outsourcing medical billing services, you can expect a significant improvement in your revenue. Our focus on accurate coding and efficient claims submission translates into faster reimbursements and improved cash flow, ultimately enhancing your practice’s financial performance.

Advantages of Outsourcing Medical Billing Services

Reduced administrative costs:

You will no longer need to invest in expensive billing software or hire dedicated billing staff. Our expertise allows you to save costs while gaining access to a team of highly experienced professionals.

Enhanced efficiency:

We leverage advanced technology and automation to streamline workflows, minimizing errors and maximizing productivity.

Improved accuracy:

Our team stays up-to-date on the latest coding regulations and billing requirements, ensuring the accuracy of your claim’s submissions.

Peace of mind:

Knowing your medical billing and having experienced professionals handle something for you allows you to concentrate on other things. What matters most – your patients.

ProMantra is your trusted partner in optimizing your medical billing processes. Let us take care of the complexities behind the scenes so you can focus on providing exceptional care and growing your practice.

Our Medical Billing Process

Accurate Medical Coding

Accurate medical coding is the cornerstone of efficient medical billing and maximizing reimbursements for your practice. At ProMantra, we understand its critical role in ensuring financial success and compliance with healthcare regulations in the United States. Our team comprises certified and experienced medical coders who adhere to the highest standards of accuracy across all specialties.

Here’s how ProMantra’s accurate medical coding services can benefit your practice:

Increased Revenue:

Our meticulous coders ensure that your medical services are coded correctly and consistently using the latest versions of Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes and International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes. This minimizes the risk of insurance companies’ denials due to coding errors, maximizing your reimbursements.

Improved Efficiency:

Our team leverages advanced coding technologies and adheres to the latest coding guidelines set by the Centres for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). This streamlines the coding process, saving you valuable time and resources.

Reduced Errors:

Through rigorous quality checks and audits, we minimize coding errors that can lead to delays in reimbursements, lost revenue, and potential audits.

Medical Coding Standards:

We stay up-to-date on all applicable coding regulations, including HIPAA compliance, ensuring your practice operates within the legal framework.

With ProMantra’s medical billing and coding outsourcing, you can rest assured that your coding is in the hands of qualified medical coders. This allows you to focus on providing patient care and practice growth.

When you partner with ProMantra, you gain access to a team of medical coding experts who are knowledgeable in various specialties and stay at the forefront of the ever-evolving medical coding landscape and compliance requirements. We take pride in our ability to provide accurate and complete coding that genuinely reflects the value of your services, ultimately contributing to the financial success of your practice.

Efficient Claims Submission and Follow-up

Getting reimbursed for your services should be easy. ProMantra’s healthcare billing solutions ensure efficient claims submission and follow-up, maximizing your cash flow and minimizing administrative burdens.

Here’s what sets ProMantra apart when it comes to claims submission and follow-up:

Clean Claim Creation:

Timely Submission:

Proactive Follow-up:

Improved Cash Flow:

Multiple Submission Methods:

Denial Management:

By outsourcing your claims submission and follow-up to ProMantra, you gain peace of mind knowing your claims are in the hands of experienced professionals. We proactively ensure timely reimbursements, allowing you to focus on delivering quality patient care.

Expert Payment Posting and Denial Management

Accurate and timely payment processing is crucial for maintaining a healthy financial flow in your practice. ProMantra’s outsourcing billing services offer expert payment posting and proactive denial management to ensure you receive the full reimbursement you deserve.

Here’s how ProMantra can optimize your payment posting and denial management:

Accurate Payment Posting:

Our team records all incoming payments, including patient co-pays, deductibles, and insurance reimbursements. We reconcile payments with claims to ensure accurate financial records and avoid discrepancies.

Proactive Denial Management:

Denials can significantly impact your revenue. Our team doesn’t just wait for denials to happen. We proactively identify potential issues during the claims submission process and work to prevent them. In the event of a denial, we analyze the reason, gather necessary documentation, and work towards a swift resolution to maximize your reimbursements.

Detailed Reporting:

We provide comprehensive reports that detail payment activity and denial trends. These reports allow you to gain valuable insights into your practice’s financial performance and identify areas for improvement.

Improved Cash Flow:

By ensuring accurate payment posting and efficient denial management, ProMantra’s outsourcing billing services help you receive reimbursements faster and minimize delays, ultimately improving your cash flow and financial stability.

Dedicated Denial Management Team:

We have a team of specialists dedicated to analyzing and appealing denied claims, increasing your chances of successful reimbursement.

Regular Communication:

We ensure that you are informed at every step of the process, including the payment posting and denial management process, so you’re always aware of the status of your claims and reimbursements.

By partnering with ProMantra, you gain the expertise and resources to handle complex payment posting and denial management tasks. This allows your attention to patient care and practice growth while we ensure you receive the complete and timely reimbursements you deserve.

Streamlined Patient Billing

At ProMantra, we understand the importance of fostering positive patient relationships. That’s why our medical billing services for small practices prioritize patient-friendly billing practices to ensure a smooth billing experience for you and your patients.

Here’s how ProMantra streamlines patient billing: 

Patient-Friendly Billing Practices: We generate clear and transparent patient statements that are easy to understand. For patient convenience, we also offer multiple payment options, including online payments, credit card processing, and flexible payment plans.

Reduced Administrative Burden: By outsourcing your patient billing and collections to ProMantra, you free up your staff to focus on core clinical tasks and patient care.

Customized Reporting and Analytics

Data-driven insights are crucial to making informed business decisions. ProMantra’s medical billing outsourcing company provides customized reporting and analytics that go beyond simply tracking revenue.

Here’s how our reporting and analytics can benefit your practice:

Valuable Insights:
Informed Decision Making:
Improved Efficiency:
Customization Options:
Regular Reporting:

Medical Billing company

ProMantra’s comprehensive medical billing services are designed to empower a variety of healthcare providers:

For Medical Billing Companies Seeking Increased Efficiency and Revenue:


  • Streamline Workflows: We automate tedious tasks and leverage advanced technology to optimize your billing processes, freeing and encouraging your team to focus on strategic initiatives and client growth.


  • Boost Revenue Recovery: Our expertise in accurate coding and efficient claims submission leads to faster reimbursements and improved cash flow.


  • Reduce Administrative Costs: Our services provide a cost-effective solution for improved billing performance, eliminating the need to invest in expensive billing software and hire dedicated staff.
For Medical Billing Services for Small Practices with Limited Resources:

  • Focus on Patient Care: By outsourcing your medical billing to ProMantra, your staff can dedicate their valuable time and energy to delivering outstanding patient care.

  • Maximize Reimbursements: Our team ensures accurate coding and timely claim submission to maximize your reimbursements and minimize lost revenue.

  • Cost-Effective Solution: ProMantra’s medical billing services for small practices offer a scalable and affordable solution that adapts to your needs and budget.
For Healthcare Providers Seeking Healthcare Billing Solutions for Better Financial Performance:

  • Improved Cash Flow: Our efficient processes and proactive approach lead to faster reimbursements and enhanced cash flow for your practice.

  • Reduced Denials: Our team’s expertise in medical coding and billing regulations minimizes claim denials and ensures you receive the full reimbursement you deserve.

  • Enhanced Financial Stability: Outsourcing your medical billing to ProMantra gives you peace of mind, knowing your finances are in good hands. This allows you to focus on growing your practice and delivering quality care.

Regardless of your specific needs, ProMantra’s healthcare billing solutions are designed to help you achieve your financial goals and optimize your practice’s performance.

Why Choose ProMantra?

Working with Promantra provides various benefits. Below are some of the benefits of working with Promantra for Medical Billing:

Ready to unlock the potential of efficient medical billing and maximize your practice's revenue?

Schedule a Free Consultation with ProMantra today!

During your consultation, we’ll discuss your specific needs and goals and show you how ProMantra’s medical billing services can help you achieve them.

Here’s a glimpse of what you can expect:

Increased Revenue: Studies show that medical practices can experience a 20-30% increase in revenue by outsourcing their medical billing.

Reduced Denials: ProMantra’s team of experienced coders can help you achieve a denial rate below 4%, significantly boosting your reimbursements.

Improved Efficiency: By outsourcing your billing, your staff can save up to 20 hours per week; by taking care of administrative tasks, we enable healthcare providers to concentrate on delivering top-notch services to their patients.

Accreditations, Forums and Certifications

Contact us Today

Don’t wait any longer!

Use ProMantra’s expertise and experience to streamline your medical billing and achieve financial success.


We look forward to partnering with you!

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Let’s Talk

For more information about our Medical Billing Services, call 1-732-414-3678 and speak to one of our experts.